The emergence of art in the contemporary city. Strategies of interruption and aestheticization of public space


  • Felipe Andrés Corvalán Tapia Universidad de Chile


Since the consolidation of modernity, the city is understood as a means of control strategy. This condition of the city can be explained from the idea of the project, related with the search of progress that defines modernity. In this context architecture and urban design are understood as planning tools, which guides the life in the city. On the other hand, the emergence of art in the public space can be characterized as a sign of strangeness that can activate our critical capability to perceive the city. In this framework, the following article, discusses the relationship between art and architecture in the Chilean context, confronting two concepts: interruption and aestheticization.


Art, public space, interruption, event, aestheticization

Author Biography

Felipe Andrés Corvalán Tapia, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile (2006). Magíster Teoría e Historia del Arte, Universidad de Chile (2012). Académico del Departamento de Arquitectura FAU, UCH. Editor de la revista De Arquitectura de la Universidad de Chile. Realiza labores docentes en las áreas de historia, teoría y crítica de la arquitectura y en la línea de proyectación arquitectónica. Sus líneas principales de investigación son la relación entre el arte y la arquitectura, la crítica arquitectónica y las estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la arquitectura.