Revista de Arquitectura is an international scientific publication, with Ibero-American emphasis, from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile founded in 1990, affiliated with the Department of Architecture. The journal encourages reflection, problematization, and the confrontation of ideas, aiming to publish high-quality original articles on architectural theory and practice.
Revista de Arquitectura welcomes diverse unpublished contributions in the field of architecture, from the integration and dialogue with its multiple dimensions, scales, and disciplines, through an open and permanent call for papers aimed at researchers, academics, professionals, and students, providing a forum for communication, discussion, interaction, and exchange. The contents are selected based on editorial policies that fundamentally take into consideration quality, originality, thematic pertinence, and methodological rigorousness, with a particular accent on the results of exploratory or innovative academic investigations.
Revista de Arquitectura circulates bi-yearly. The issues are published in the months of June and December of each year. Its digital distribution is universally accessible, free of charge, and open. No fees of any kind are charged, neither for publication nor for subscription or viewing. Articles are available to readers without associated charges or payments. The selection of articles is carried out through the double-blind peer review system. Articles are accepted in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
The journal is financed with resources from the University of Chile and does not accept advertising or engage in commercialization.
The scope of the Architecture Journal is defined, but not limited, to the four research areas of our Department of Architecture:
- Architectural Design Theory and Methodology.
- Creativity, Expression, and Architectural Representation.
- Architectural Design through Technologies, Materiality, and Fabrication.
- Architectural Project Studio.
- Landscape Design.
- History and Material Culture.
- Architectural Theory.
- Architectural Critique.
- Aesthetics, Art, and Architecture.
- Media and Representation.
- Typologies in Architecture.
- Landscape.
- Design of Construction and Structure Systems for the Reduction of Natural and Anthropic Risks.
- Advanced Construction Processes and Fabrication.
- Digital Transformation in Architecture and Construction.
- Conditions of Habitability, Healthy Spaces, and Energy Efficiency.
- Renewable Energies, Urban Facilities, Infrastructure, and Networks.
- Evaluation, Intervention, and Sustainable Preservation of Existing Buildings.
- Impact of Public Policies.
- Processes of Real Estate and Social Management.
- Real Estate Valuation.
- New Production Models and their impact on the Built Environment.
These research areas are structured in two sections, each containing original articles:
Apart from these two sections, there is an editorial and an appendix with bibliographic references.
Revista de Arquitectura promotes the scientific dissemination of its contents through its accounts on Instagram and Facebook, as well as through the account Revistas Académicas de la Universidad de Chile on X. In addition, it disseminates its articles through videos in which the authors present their work in their own words, which allows to expand the visibility and reach of the articles published in the journal.
Revista de Arquitectura uses Dublin Core as a metadata framework to identify and describe information resources available on the Internet, thus facilitating their retrieval and location
ISSN: 0716-8772 (printed version, up to N.º 37)
ISSN: 0719-5427 (electronic version)