
The CAAM, veleid mirror of the house in Oropesa. Dislodgement of ideas in F.J. Sáenz de Oíza



To Know the origin of a project implies know the landscape to which it belongs, knowing the causes and sources that have motivated it.This landscape is a complex landscape, built over time and that becomes visible at every opportunity to build a project. In this context, the mental space, own space, the referential world and how much of that world we allow to become visible, constitutes an inexorable operator in the action of projecting.  The project as a still photo, as a mental artifact, as proof of the persistence of the idea of an author's work. Comparison between the two projects; a family shelter in Oropesa (Toledo) and a museum (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), allows us to show not so much the reproduction of one design within another, but the displacement of the architect's thinking, able to respond to a program and some needs different from the original ones. The case study is presened the idea of copy, not as the simplest path in principle, but as a review of an origin where, despite the change in program, it continues to collect an essence linked to living.


CAAM, copy, idea, Oíza, process


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