Selftranslation. Between minor literature, extraterritoriality and ‘bilinguism’


  • Sigrid Weigel Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung


Selftranslation, an intrinsically ambivalent expression, far from being a subject reserved for the expertise of a few initiates, is a concept that due to its hinge position has a considerable yield for philosophical, literary and psychoanalytical discussion. From an examination of the current theories of translation and the perspective of minor literatures, the problem of the hegemony between languages and of extraterritoriality is discussed. The revision of the concept of the translated man allows us to examine the possible contribution of the concept of bilingualism and re-writing to the problem of translation itself. In relation to the idea of a translation without an original, the logic of nachträglich is introduced as a way of thinking about the logical relations between texts and languages.


Selftranslation, Minor literature, Extraterritoriality, Bilinguism