‘Depart’ [Fortgehn] by Rilke. A commentary


  • Werner Hamacher


From a reading of the poem ‘Depart’ [Fortgehn] by Rainer María Rilke, the gesture of departing, respectively going away, leaving behind, is developed as a gesture not only of this particular poem or of Rilke’s poetry, but of the language in general. Through the examination and deployment of the formal properties of the poem, including its syntax and metrics, as well as the literality and letterality of the words, the field of language is characterized as a sphere not only deprived of any privileged relationship with the domain. of being, but even disarticulated from it. ‘Depart’ describes and executes the unfundamental or affigural gesture of the tongue, as exhibited by the Fort particle –which is closely related to the famous reel game described by Freud– and the horror or fright at the dislocation [Entsetzen] inherent to language.


Rilke, Depart, Absence, Dislocating, Horror