
  • Álvaro Contreras Universidad de Los Andes


I study three areas of visual culture linked to drugs and their relations with the HispanicAmerican fin-de-siècle (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) literature: the visibility of drug objects in painting and some literary practices of decadentism; the way in which certain performativity is constituted in the modernist scenarios of consumption, an artistic iconography of drunkenness and the processes of subjectivation associated with the image of a relaxed, meditative or exasperated body; and the examination of drug images in advertising that appear in the magazines of the time and their critical connections with a literary narrative where the ethnographic journey (within the city or in the geopolitical boundaries of the nation) and the exploration of the limits of sensibility are intertwined. I consider it useful to discuss a certain idea of a crossing or border -cultural, geographical, social, sensorial- from the images of painting and advertising, and how these draw thresholds of perception from which diverse sensitive experiences are produced. Similarly, I think it is important to rethink these different aspects of visual culture related to drug use in order to reposition images and texts in a dynamic cultural and sensorial frontier, and thus try to shake up the maps of modernist consumption.


Drugs, Painting, Advertising, Literature


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