Confusio y commixtio: breves notas en torno a su tratamiento en el Derecho Justinianeo


  • Claudio Barahona Gallardo Universidad de Chile. Sociedad Chilena de Historia del Derecho y Derecho Romano


The essay serves as a proxy for the conceptual issue of treatment of confusio and commixtio in the Justinianean sources, particularly in the Institutiones, also posing a relationship between these ways of acquiring domain over things with others whith similar features, as are the accession between moveable things and creating a new object (nova specie facerem) and also review the traditional distinction that has been made between confusio and commixtio using as criteria the liquidity or solidity of the objects mixed.


confusio, commixtio, accesio, nova specie facerem, Institutiones of Justinian