La orden imperial de Guadalupe: ocaso de la nobleza novohispana, orto de la mexicana


  • Alejandro Mayagoitia Universidad Panamericana, México D.F.


The Imperial Order of Guadalupe it was a one of merit. Nevertheless, because it granted the nobility privilege, it meaned the end of the tensions between a legal inteligence and one more costumary of the nobility. The first one, imposed by Spain to its ultramarine possessions in the end of the viceroyal period; the second one developed in New Spain, of hispanic inspiration, but with its own notes. The Order, therefore, played a significant role in the process of juridical organization of a self defining society and served to link the ancient nobility with the new one. It was part of the intent to strengthen the Empire.    


Orden Imperial de Guadalupe - nobleza - Primer Imperio Mexicano