Filosofía del derecho e historia del derecho: espacios para el encuentro


  • Andrés Botero Bernal Universidad de Medellín


This article describes various models of the relationship between the history of law and the philosophy of law. It the. begins exploring whether can be found relations between these legal disciplines from the connection between philosophy and history in general. The text continues with the enunciation of severa1 models or approaches, and at the same time it makes clear the particularities of both disciplines, especially in regard to the legal text and context. Then it draws attention to the interdisciplinarity as a way, more than contingent- of relationship between the two disciplines, without blurring the disciplinary particularities of the history of law and the philosophy of law. Furthermore, the author claims that, for exogenous reasons, the Latin Americans jurists are more willing to assume an interdisciplinary relational model, which would produce, inevitably, different results to those produced in the legal research governed by the disciplinary paradigms.    


Legal history - philosophy of law - interdisciplinarity