The relation between 'fas' e 'ius' in the contemporary romanistic: ideological substrates of a debate about the relation between religion and state


  • Alfredo de J. Flores Doctor en Derecho por la Universitat de Valéncia (España). Profesor Adjunto de Metodología Jurídica (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sol — UFRGS, Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil). Profesor Permanente del Programa de Posgrado stricto sensu en Derecho (UFRGS). Socio-adherente de la Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho (AAFD).


The author presents through this work the relationship between religion and law in ancient Rome, in order to provide an additional element of analysis for a deeper understanding of secularism and the juridical phenomenon today. For this, it is necessary to observe the evolution of the idea among authors, which is initially presented in the form of an opposition between two concepts, wich eventually derive into a distinction, and Þ nally to a complementation.


Ius, fas, religion, secularism, roman law