The Baroque legal culture of the graduate Tomás Durán, adviser to the Governor of Chile and Viceroy of Perú José Antonio Manso de Velasco, Count of Superunda
The professional career of Mr. Tomás Durán fully complies with the profile of what we would expect from a lawyer dedicated to the practice of his profession in a particular way, as well as an official serving the Crown of Castile in America, both facets during the course of the eighteenth century. In his long career he even became an advisor to one of the most outstanding viceroys of his time, the Count of Superunda, Manso de Velasco, remembered in Chile for his prolific work founding cities in the Central Valley. It was left as a legacy of an abundant library, rich in both legal texts and other areas of the humanities, which at the time was subject to valuation and inventory after his death. This document, which has reached our times, will serve as a basis for investigating what was the cultural background possessed by Mr. Duran, deepening the characteristics of the authors of the texts that were in his library.
Dougnac Rodríguez, A. (2019). The Baroque legal culture of the graduate Tomás Durán, adviser to the Governor of Chile and Viceroy of Perú José Antonio Manso de Velasco, Count of Superunda. Revista Chilena De Historia Del Derecho, (25), pp. 15–127.